Skooli Satisfaction Guarantee badge

Try Skooli risk-free with our Satisfaction Guarantee

Skooli guarantees that all students will be satisfied with their online tutoring experience. We’re committed to connecting you with the best professional tutors. To stand by this, we provide our students with this satisfaction guarantee:

In case you’re not completely satisfied after 30 minutes of your first Tutor Session, we will provide you with a free half hour Tutor Session with a new tutor. Simply call or email us within 72 hours of completing your initial Skooli Tutor Session and we’ll help connect you with a new tutor. If your free additional Tutor Session is also unsatisfactory, let us know before booking any further Tutor Sessions and we will provide a full refund for your User Plan purchase, or the Pay As You Go charges incurred for your first 30 minute Tutor Session.

This Guarantee lets you connect with world class tutors in Skooli’s advanced digital classroom – completely risk-free.

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