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Top 4 things you might be doing that kill brain cells

It doesn’t matter if you spend every evening studying online with your tutor, there are a number of things you could be doing that are affecting your IQ. Read below to see what researchers are saying can kill brain cells.

You’re a stress case

Worrying about upcoming exams, family life, or money can mean that there is an abundance of stress hormones running through your body. And these stress hormones, according to experts, are associated with poorer brain functionality and can even increase your risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Why’s this? The constant hormonal changes that occur when stress hormones are introduced to your body is believed to be the culprit.

The rats used in the study developed insulin resistance, which can change how cells receive and store sugar to use to process thoughts and emotions. Since sugar is the only fuel that our brain cells know how to use, not being able to use insulin correctly can have an impact on how the cells work and consequentially, our cognitive abilities.

You multitask too much

Think of your brain like a computer. When you open a bunch of windows and programs on your computer, sometimes there’s lag, right? The same thing can happen with your brain: if you attempt to do too much at once, say, carrying on a conversation over text messaging while eating dinner with your family and talking about your day. Your brain, just like a computer, can reach its maximum processing power.

You have a serious sweet tooth

When eaten in large amounts or with regular frequency, sugar can affect your brain cells, say experts. In fact, a study conducted on rats suggested that eating a high-fructose diet for as little as 6 weeks can impact your IQ and kill off brain cells.

You smoke or hang around smokers

We know you’ve heard this one before, but the laundry list of toxic chemicals in cigarettes can really affect your brain cells. If you smoke regularly, or experience prolonged exposure to smoke, you will increase the carbon monoxide count in your body, which displaces a great deal of the oxygen that our brains need. These chemicals can also damage your neurons and blood vessels, which then prevents your brain cells from communicating effectively with the rest of your body, and can prevent you from retaining information effectively.

Limiting the above activity can decrease the number of brain cells you’re damaging on a daily basis. Look for ways to de-stress daily and combine those tactics with your study routine, whether it’s going for a run, taking some time to watch your favorite tv show, or just having a coffee with a friend. In the long run, your studying time will be more effective!