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3 reasons why your remote working parents need a perk like online tutoring

Parent working from home with kids.

The vast majority of us have been working from home since the pandemic began.

While it’s been a challenge for many of us, working parents were hit the hardest. 

Not only do parents have to balance working from home with childcare (and everything else they do!), but they’ve also had to play teacher at the same time while schools were closed. 

For many parents, the struggle continues.

So, how can employers help parents maintain their mental health and performance while working from home?

Offer them a perk that makes their lives easier

A  great perk that gives working parents a much-needed break is prepaid or discounted online tutoring packages.

Removing one major thing off their daily to-do list can help prevent burnout and reduce stress. Meaning happier employees and better performance!

Do you want to know the best part? 

This type of perk also helps boost morale and increases employee satisfaction! 

Let’s explore all the benefits together in more detail:

  1. Boosts morale and reduces employee turnover. 
  2. Helps reduce stress and prevent burnout for working parents. 
  3. Eases the burden working parents are facing.

1. Boosts morale and reduces employee turnover.

Employee perks and benefits help increase morale. Better morale = better performance

And the bonus is that employee satisfaction is one of the main ingredients in any employee retention plan. 

Offering a thoughtful perk like free or subsidized virtual tutoring can not only support your employee retention efforts, it can also increase their satisfaction.

It’s a double win

2. Helps reduce stress and prevents burnout for working parents.

Let’s face it. The lines get blurred between work and life while working from home. And it can often be the catalyst to the dreaded employee burnout. 

Not to mention busy parents working from home are already stretched thin juggling all their tasks. 

Online tutoring keeps kids busy and helps reduce parents’ workload and stress.

Employees with a better work-life balance are much more productive.

Offering them a perk like virtual tutoring means they’ll get more free time to themselves to decompress after a stressful workday.

3. Eases the burden working parents are facing.

Skooli offers parents online tutoring across all subject areas. 

Giving parents access to a virtual tutoring platform means they no longer have to worry about spending hours a day after work teaching their kids calculus.

With so much on their plate, virtual tutoring could really help make working parents’ lives easier. 

Give your employees a unique perk that makes working from home easier.

So there you have it. These are just a few benefits that make adding virtual tutoring to your corporate benefits package worth it. 

Prepaid virtual tutoring is an out-of-the-box perk that your working parents are sure to love. 

It’ll boost morale, reduce turnover and prevent burnout by giving them a much-needed break from the juggling act. 

Help make working from home a little easier for your employees. 

Learn more about adding Skooli to your benefits package today with one of our exclusive prepaid corporate packages and discounts.